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Level 1: Postural Alignment Specialist (PAS) Certification

Our PAS Certification provides the basis for all Egoscue Institute tracks. As the foundation for all Institute work, students will learn precisely how we at The Egoscue Method look at the body. The program is fun, interactive, and favors an immersion approach. Just like learning a foreign language, results are best when students surround themselves with the Method at every opportunity. With all the tools the University provides its students, you will be delivering a very high level of therapy quicker than you might expect.

By enrolling in the PAS certification track, you'll begin looking at the body in a new way. The PAS certification track allows you to focus holistically on overall body alignment in addition to specific trouble areas.

Topics include:

  • Postural Analysis
  • Determining Cause vs. Effect (Position vs. Condition)
  • Functional Testing
  • Gait Analysis

The coursework moves students sequentially through classes with quizzes and performance reviews by Egoscue Institute instructors. Students have the option to attend seminars in either an online or in-person setting.

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BrianBenchLevel 2: E-cise® Therapy Skills (ETS) Certification

Whether you’re opening an Egoscue clinic or simply wanting to take your therapy to the next level, this is the course for you. We have designed the online skill class to prepare the student for the in-clinic demands of posture therapy. Our students gain extensive knowledge and understanding of the Egoscue E-cises, including access to all 12 E-cise. *Pre-Requisi​tes: PAS Certification

After completing the Therapy Skills track, you'll have a much better understanding of:

  • ePete usage
  • Menu selection
  • Therapist thought process
  • Exercise execution and technique

This class is crucial for any therapist truly wanting to understand why certain E-cises should be chosen, when to use them, and how to implement them.

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Level 3: Advanced Exercise Therapist (AET) Certification

Our AET Certification will further develop your existing skill set. With your 5-year certification, you will be a health professional with a level of proficiency in the Method that very few have achieved. Practitioners with our AET Certification are the only students allowed to open an Egoscue Method facility.

With a combination of online and in-person instruction, you will be well-equipped and supported in learning the nuances of the Egoscue Method. We also challenge our AET students to “think outside of the box,” causing many to examine their own beliefs about the posture/pain connection. While this course hits on a wide variety of topics, the program provides particular focus on the gross anatomy knowledge needed for many of your therapeutic interactions. We also teach the skills needed to transfer the Egoscue mindset to your clients, colleagues, and staff. Proper delivery of the Egoscue message in a public-speaking forum is also included in the AET Certification track.

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