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Frequently Asked Questions

BrianStandingPillowQ. How long does it take until I can work with clients?

A. You can begin with your very first class. Practical experience is invaluable and will become part of your long term training. Even our beginning classes have tools and routines available to make sure your clients have positive outcomes. Of course, if you need assistance, the staff at the Institute are just an email or phone call away.

Q. How long does it take to get certified?

A. The course work for our PAS Certification can be finished in 90 days for our fast track students. Normally students finish this Certification in less than six months. Our more advanced certifications can take a bit longer. We like to compare learning The Method to learning a foreign language. Emersion in the coursework will help you build stronger skills.

Q. Do I need a strong background in anatomy?

A. No. There is some anatomy required as you progress through the courses. However, we pride ourselves on being able to make the body easy to understand both for you and your clients. If you have a basic anatomy background, you should do well. If you would like to have a stronger foundation, we can also help you surround yourself with the right tools and reference materials to bolster your understanding of the body.

Q. How do I build a relationship or network with other health practitioners using the Method?

A. We love bringing like minds together. With resources like the Student Spotlight, The Human Event, study groups, and monthly conference calls, we help you connect with our practitioners from all over the world. Of course, contributing to the Institute by writing articles, interning in a facility, and just making yourself available are the best ways to meet your fellow students.

Q. I cannot attend the in person training events because travel costs are so high. Do you offer ALL of your classes online?

A. Yes we do. In fact, we only offer a few of our classes in person. And many students who thought they were better at learning the more traditional way (in person) have commented how much they enjoy the one on one attention they receive by doing their coursework entirely over the web.